The Inland Waters and Wetlands Research Center is located at the shores of Lake Naivasha. The center focuses on multi-disciplinary research programs that contributes significantly to the understanding, conservation, and sustainable management of diverse ecosystems of inland waters and wetland ecosystems and the biodiversity they support. The output of the research programs is aimed at actively informing policies and practices that safeguard inland waters and wetlands resources for the benefit of current and future generations.
The research center’s core areas of research investigation are as follows:
This programme will include conducting extensive studies on the population dynamics and distribution of various wildlife species in the Kenyan wetlands. Notably, it will focus on the Sitatunga, a specialized semi-aquatic antelope, by carrying out an experimental breeding project aimed at restocking conservation areas with this unique species. Additionally, the programme will include a study on the population dynamics and distribution of hippopotamuses and crocodiles in critical inland water bodies, with the objective of devising innovative mechanisms to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts.
This programme aims at understanding the environmental flow patterns of key river systems and their implications on wildlife populations. It will include conducting long-term monitoring of hydrological and ecological dynamics in critical inland waters, as well as wetland ecosystems that support critical wildlife species. The program includes actively involving in experimental ecological restoration efforts of critical wetlands and freshwater bodies. Additionally, programme will look at the effects of land use changes on inland water and wetland ecosystems to assess their impact on wildlife habitats.
This program will extend beyond ecology and conservation and delve into the socio-economic aspects of natural resource governance. It will explore the role of biodiversity conservation in inland freshwater ecosystems in supporting the Kenyan blue economy development framework. The research center will focus on evaluating the effectiveness of water and wildlife-related policies implemented in Kenya through a science-policy nexus approach. Furthermore, the programme will include assessing the management effectiveness of critical wetlands and Ramsar sites. It will also support collaboration on trans-boundary wetland conservation initiative to enhance trans-frontier conservation areas in East Africa. The impact of tourism activities on the behavioral ecology of wetlands-dependent wildlife species will be another crucial area of study.
In line with sustainable utilization and community empowerment, the programme will focus on community-based culture and value addition of aquatic algae, specifically Spirulina spp. The research will aim to enhance the benefits of local communities and improve their livelihoods through the sustainable utilization of this valuable resource.
The programme will focus on investigating the impacts of fluctuating water levels in inland waters and wetlands, on biodiversity and its implications for food security. The programme will also focus on conducting climate change vulnerability assessments of protected areas, providing a tool for developing climate-smart ecosystem-based management plans for Protected Areas.